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Rey-Anacona, C. A. (2015). Variables associated with dating violence in adolescents and young adults. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(1), 159–171.

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A group of teenagers and young single adults without children who had exercised at least one episode of abusive behavior towards their partner was compared with a similar group who had not carried out this type of abuse. The variables taken into account were the observed number of acts of violence between their parents, the percentage of participants who agreed with statements in favor of violence in marriage, and their score on aggressive traits and communication between members of the couple. Also, a correlation analysis between the frequency of reported abusive behavior and the other variables was performed. Participants were 417 men and 485 women between the ages of 15 and 35. Participants in the first group reported having witnessed more violence between their parents, agreed more with statements in favor of violence in marriage and acknowledged having more aggressive traits within themselves than participants in the second group. All of these variables showed positive correlations with the frequency of abusive behavior. These results indicate that these variables should be considered in assessment, treatment and prevention programs of dating violence.



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