How to Cite
Londoño, C., & Carrasco Aravena, S. F. (2019). Beliefs about alcohol consumption in colombian and chilean youth. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 22(2), 178–193.

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Developing programs to prevent alcohol consumption whose impact goes beyond cultural borders represents a challenge since it is necessary to recognize cultural differences that determine consumption. This cross-cultural comparative study was aimed to find the differences in beliefs related to alcohol consumption in a non randomized stratified sample of 1602 educated teenage men and women and youth (870 Chileans and 732 Colombians) with ages between 14 and 25 years. The instruments used were the Belief Questionnaire Regarding Alcohol Consumption and the Audit Consumption Test. The ANOVA statistic was used to compare the means between countries. Results indicated that Colombians have higher consumption triggers, higher perception of risk and vulnerability, and the highest perception of perceived benefits of consumption. On the other hand, Chileans present significantly greater beliefs regarding the consumption barriers with lower averages in all factors. However, in both populations the averages found indicate moderate and high risk.



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