How to Cite
García Álvarez, G. L. (2002). ¿Es posible el autorrefuerzo? la función feedback de los estímulos : un modelo de autocontrol desde la teoría general de sistemas. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (8), 35–53. Retrieved from

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The present work exposes the reflection directed toward the establishment of the informative function of stimuli which are involved in the procedure of “self control” to try to answer this question again: “Is the self-reinforcement possible?”. The “self-control” procedures were considered analogous to a control system made by feedback, and in that way most of the concepts related to this process were reopened. The reference framework is within the general systems theory and about two of its integral theories: the cybernetics and the information theories. The analytic models are derived from these two theories that allowed reviewing two experiments developed on the “self-control field”. It was clear with this procedure that the “function of the stimuli feedback” is determinant in the behavioral changes searched with its intervention and at the same time the information given by feedback may be considered as an important parameter on the explanation of such changes. It was also ratified, that the concept of “self-reinforcement” should be eliminated from the behavioral explanations of self-control and in its place it is possible to talk about the feedback function.



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