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Peña Torbay, G. (2002). Vigencia y complejidad del fenómeno placebo. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (8), 125–138. Retrieved from

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After a critical analysis of the performance of the placebos and their possible mechanisms of action, the conclusions are: first, the phenomenon placebo is a prevailing event, whose role exceeds the function of device that is usually conferred to it in scientific literature. It is an event of which it is not possible to get rid, since it represents a fundamental aspect in all process of intervention; that is to say, its activity is extensive and complex subject, that does not have to be restricted to an only scope to discipline or professional, on the contrary, it happens in all the contexts. Second, and consequently, the exact explanation of the phenomenon placebo cannot be obtained by means of the aid of a single sector of the reality, on the contrary, the best approach to its understanding is, even though centered in the psychological level, of character multilevel, since its occurrence implies aspects from the biochemist to the social level.



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