How to Cite
Jiménez Figueroa, A., Concha Aburto, M. A., & Zúñiga Acevedo, R. (2012). Work-family conflict, parental efficacy and perceived parenting styles in fathers and mothers from the city of Talca, Chile. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(1), 57–65. Retrieved from

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The relationship between levels of work-family conflict, parental self-efficacy and perceived parenting styles in a group of 43 school children and both working parents is analyzed, controlling for socio-demographic variables. Also, gender differences are identified in the variables and the relationship between them in relation to the number of children. Three instruments were applied to the sample for measuring the referred variables. A significant and negative relationship is observed between levels of work-family conflict and parental self-efficacy (r = -0.484, P <0.001). The authoritarian parenting style has greater association with self-efficacy (r = 0.301, P = 0.005). A significant and negative relationship between self-efficacy and number of children (r = -0.257, P = 0.017) is reported. Finally, it is concluded that women have greater work-family conflict than men.



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