How to Cite
González Becerra, V. H., Tamayo Tamayo, J. E., Patrón Espinosa, F. de J., Torres Ceja, C. de J., & Ortíz Rueda, G. A. (2020). Complexity and inclusivity of intrasituational behavior: empirical analysis. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 23(2), 289–327.

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Ribes and López's (1985) taxonomy proposed that psychological behavior is progressively complex and inclusive. In that respect, there is little research and data are not robust. A study was conducted with the purpose to increase data related to the complexity and inclusivity of the three less complex behaviors of the taxonomy, with three training sequences, namely: 1) ascending (contextual-supplementary-selector), 2) descending-ascending (supplementary -contextual-selector) and 3) descending (selector-supplementary-contextual). The objective was to evaluate the effect of the interaction history (related to training sequences) on differential (contextual), effective (supplementary) and precise (selector) behavior adjustment process.
Results showed that a greater number of training sessions were required to improve the performance in functional organizations with greater complexity when participants lacked an interaction history related to programmed contingencies. But, when the interaction history participated in the functional organization, as a previous interaction with the contingencies, a facilitating effect was found in the behavioral adjustment, regardless of whether the transition was ascending or descending. It is discussed whether the increase in the number of sessions is related to the complexity of each level of functional organization. Regarding the functional training transitions, ascending and descending, its effects on facilitation in learning are discussed in relation to the assumption of functional inclusivity.



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