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Meneses Báez, A. L. (2013). Questionnaire on strategies for argumentative essay writing. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(1), 137–148. Retrieved from

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This article presents the results of a research project aimed to identify reliability and validity indicators for the abbreviated version of the Cuestionario de Estrategias para la Escritura de Ensayos [Questionnaire on Strategies for Essay Writing] (Meneses Baez & Salvador Mata, 2006) consisting of 37 Likert-type items (1 = never and 4 = always) which measures planning, transcript review and meta cognition and was administered to 540 undergraduate student volunteers. The analysis was performed with 486 students who obtained no extreme scores. Reliability and validity indicators were estimated using Rasch model and evidence for criterion validity. Results support unidimensionality and measurement adjustment; Rash coefficients for internal consistency and reliability for people and items were>.90; separation statistics for people and items were >2; items were distributed along the Rash rule; response categories with monotonous progression and appropriate distance between categories; correlations between the CEEEA-37 and the Self-regulation and Self-efficacy Perception Scales on writing were> 0.5 (p <.05). This test can help improve assessment and intervention in writing argumentative essays in college. Items with greater level of difficulty should be constructed and another field study should be carried out.



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