How to Cite
Rojas Rodríguez, M., & Ramos Alvarado, N. (2013). Health, optimism and coping style in professionals and non professionals working in highly stressful environments. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(1), 149–157. Retrieved from

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The aim of this research is to identify the relationship between health status, dispositional optimism and coping style in professionals and non professionals working in highly stressful environments in the city of Talca-Chile. 119 professionals and non professionals from different institutions dedicated to the care of socially vulnerable people were assessed with the following questionnaires: the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28), the Life Orientation Test (LOR-R) and the StressManagement Evaluation Scale [COPE for its Spanish acronym]. Results show that 18% of the participants have an alteration in their emotional well-being, a group where the majority was mainly non professional women workers. No relationship was found between self-reported health status and dispositional optimism. However, correlations were found between these variables and coping styles. In the case of reported health symptoms, there were negative correlations with coping styles that involve problem-focused coping, and positive correlations with some styles that involve avoidance coping. Meanwhile, dispositional optimism shows a positive correlation with problem-focused coping and with some styles that make up this factor, and a negative correlation with behavioral disengagement. Results show that there are health-promoting coping styles, such as positive reinterpretation and personal growth, which could be used for developing health plans and self-care interventions for these workers. It is necessary to further deepen the research in this context, including organizational elements in order to better understand the differences between professional and nonprofessional workers.



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