How to Cite
Nunes Baptista, M. ., Pereira Soares, T. F., Urquijo, S. ., & Del Valle, M. V. (2021). Internal structure and evidence of validity of the Baptist Adult Depression Scale in the adult population of Argentina. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 32–46.

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The aim of this study was to analyze the factorial structure of the adaptation to Rio de la Plata´s Spanish of the Baptist Scale of Depression for Adults (EBADEP-A) in the Argentine population, and to provide evidence of its validity. In order to evaluate the internal structure of the scale, calculations were made by means of exploratory and confirmatory factorial analysis, as well as the Item Response Theory. Also, in order to provide evidence of convergent and concurrent validity, correlations, regressions and analysis of structural equation models (SEM) with related measures were applied. The results suggest that the final version of the instrument could be reduced from 45 to 23 items with adequate adjustment indexes, with a one-dimensional model, and with satisfactory factor loads in both the exploratory and confirmatory analyses. The items revealed no discrepancies in the estimated skills of the participants, and presented adequate structural adjustments and clear response options. Regarding the validity, the scale presented associations with external variables - personality and psychological well-being-; and the SEM analysis demonstrated a strong relationship between the EBADEP-A and the Beck Depression Inventory-II, as well as a strong prediction of the first over the second (r2 = .65). It is concluded that the general factor of EBADEP-A adequately represents the psychological phenomena underlying depression, and that the final version of the scale presents adequate psychometric properties for the Argentine population.



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