How to Cite
Serna Gómez, H. M., Álvarez Giraldo, C. M., & Calderón Hernández, G. (2012). Causal conditions between human resource management and organizational culture : an empirical study in the colombian industrial context. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(2), 119–134. Retrieved from

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The human resource management is the strategic framework of the organizational culture. Therefore, this study aims to identify the mutual impact between organizational culture and human resource management practices. To this end two models were constructed: one for the analysis of human resource management and another for the analysis of the organizational culture. The study was conducted in 199 manufacturing firms in Colombia. For information processing, multivariate models with emphasis on confirmatory factor analysis –CFA- and structural equation modeling- SEM- were used. The main finding was that market culture has a positive and significant impact on human resource management practices such as supply, training and career prospect.



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