How to Cite
Macía Sepúlveda, F., & Miranda Padilla, C. (2009). Preliminary psychometric properties of the violence among peers scale in chilean secondary schoolstudents. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(2), 59–67. Retrieved from

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The Violence Among Peers Scale by Cajigas de Segredo et al. (2004) consists of 43 items that intend to measure the presence of peer aggression in schools. This study aims to assess the scale’s psychometric properties and develop provisional normative scales based on a non-probabilistic sample that comprised 223 Chilean students from two schools, one of medium and one of high economic stratum from the province of Santiago in the Chilean Metropolitan Region. The results of this research confirm the good properties of the test in the national context, and constitute a contribution to the empirical investigation of the phenomenon in Latin America. Additionally, it has generated a more reliable and valid scale for the study in the country. Other studies using probabilistic sampling methods and the development of definitive normative scales for the student population in Chile are projected.



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