How to Cite
Bringas Molleda, C., Rodríguez Díaz, F. J., & Herrero Díez, F. J. (2009). Responsibility and antisocial teen-age behavior as factors associated with school perform. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(2), 69–76. Retrieved from

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The academic success of teenagers is related to the time that they devote to studying, which in turn is determined by their level of responsibility as well as for their record of troublesome behavior. Thus, this study aims at examining the relationship between school performance, antisocial behavior and level of responsibility in a sample of 433 teenagers from Asturia (Spain) who attended different public educational centers. With this purpose three assessment instruments were used: A questionnaire that gathers information about school performance; a personality questionnaire (Big-Five) and an inventory for antisocial behavior (ICA). Findings showed that the adolescents’ self-informed antisocial behavior and the individual variable of responsibility affect both the school adjustment of our teenagers as well as their interest to devote their time to school learning. The study analyzes the implications of these findings and shows some guidelines for future research in this field.



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