How to Cite
Arancibia Martini, H. R., Cárdenas, M., Durán, W. ., & Eguren, P. (2021). Health and social well-being in immigrants and Chileans: a comparative study. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 72–85.

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This study compares the average health and social welfare levels of adults born in Chile (n = 155) and immigrants of Colombian (n = 166), Peruvian (n = 154), and Venezuelan (n = 180) nationality. The results are in line with the "selective hypothesis of immigration," since higher levels of health (Minmigrants = 40.35; Mchilenos = 38.93; t [203,579] = 2,745, p < .01) and social welfare were found in immigrants (M = 88.62) than in Chileans (M = 85.42; t (190,778) = -3,197, p < .01). In general, this work shows the negative effect that the perception of discrimination has on health, and the positive effect of the socio-cultural variables of endo-group identity, cultural enrichment, and inter-group closeness on the social welfare of immigrants.



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