How to Cite
Dias Pocinho, M., & Costa Garcia, J. (2008). Psychosocial impact of information and communication technologies (ICT): technostress, physical damage and professional satisfaction. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(2), 127–139. Retrieved from

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The introduction of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the organizations produced and still produces substantial changes in these structures at the modus operandi level and also with respect to the physical and psychological health of the workers using them. This phenomenon conditions the organizations’ operational skills, because it depends on the abilities, skills and capacities of the individuals who use these tools. Due to this relationship, the user might be at risk of a number of damages, such as anxiety, stress, depression and other psychosocial and physical disorders. Techno-stress is the concept that defines such illnesses. This study fits the concept. The research focused on a group of intensive users of a computer software manufacturing company in the area of security and defence, located in Portugal. It intends to acknowledge the psychosocial impact that ICT produce in these individuals. It also aims to verify to what extent the socio-demographic variables (gender, age, marital status, household composition, chores, and experience with computers) influence the levels of the existing techno-stress. The relationship between the level of techno-stress and professional satisfaction, as well as the factors which influence this relationship are also subject of this research.



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