How to Cite
Pereira Gonçalves, M., Morais Peixoto, E. ., Pestillo de Oliveira, L. ., Cruz Porto, R. ., & Nickenig Vissoci, J. R. . (2021). Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior Sport Scale (PABSS) in Brazil Psychometric parameters of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behavior Sport Scale (PABSS) for the Brazilian context. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 130–140.

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Having an appropriate psychometric measure for assessing the morally relevant behaviors of athletes is important to encourage research and enable effective intervention strategies. The aim of this research was to verify the psychometric properties of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviors Sport Scale (PABSS) for the Brazilian context. The sample consisted of 360 athletes of both sexes (average age 16.1±3.61; 64.7% men). The exploratory factorial analysis indicated the adequacy of the structure comprising four factors: 1) Prosocial behavior directed to teammates (CPC) 2) Prosocial behavior directed to opponents (CPA); (3) Anti-social behavior directed to teammates (CAC); (4) Anti-social behavior directed to opponents (CAA), which jointly explains 66.1% of the total variance, thus corroborating the theoretical hypothesis. In addition, Semi-confirmatory Factor Analysis showed evidence of the four-factor model: [(ƛ2 = 126.685, gl= 116, p= .234; ƛ2 /gl= 1.09; CFI= 0.99 (IC 95%= 0.997-0.999); GFI= 0.99 (IC 95% = 0.997- 0.999); RMSEA= 0.018 (IC 95%= 0.016-0.020)]. All factors had desirable internal consistency indexes of Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.78 and McDonald’s Omega greater than 0.80. Associations between moral behavior and values in sports were also observed. In conclusion, the Brazilian version of the PABSS presented adequate psychometric evidence and can be used in future studies.




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