How to Cite
Ocampo Palacio, J. G., & Gómez Ortiz, V. . (2021). Characterization of young graduates perceiving underemployement: Assessment of well-being and discomfort associated with this perception. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 23–34.

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Previous research has shown that subjective underemployment is inversely associated to job satisfaction, psychological well-being and health. To our knowledge, the current is the first study that explores subjective underemployment in undergraduates in Colombia. One hundred and forty-two workers participated in a correlational, and comparative study. Results replicated previous findings: as subjective underemployment perception increased, job satisfaction and general life satisfaction decreased. Significant differences were found in the indicators of job satisfaction and general life satisfaction among those who perceive underemployment and those who do not. Finally, the potential role of subjective underemployment on employees’ health is discussed.



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