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Jiménez Figueroa, A., González Escobar, C., & Reyes Pavez, D. (2009). Family and job satisfaction of women with different working days in a chilean financial service company. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(1), 77–83. Retrieved from

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Current levels of family and job satisfaction present in groups of women with different working days were under study, controlling socio-demographic variables. Three instruments were applied to 134 technical and administrative workers whose ages were between 20 and 56 and who worked for a financial service company in the Maule Region. A significant relationship between the levels of family and job satisfaction was observed in women with different working days (r=0.25, p=0.0013). For single women, job satisfaction is higher when they work full time, as well as for women with superior educational and technical levels. In women with secondary education, job satisfaction is higher if they work part-time. In childless women, job satisfaction is higher when they work full time and in those who have between one or three children, job satisfaction is higher if they work part-time.



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