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Londoño Pérez, C. (2009). Optimism and positive health as predictors of adjustment to university life. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(1), 95–107. Retrieved from

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The aim of this research was to identify the role of optimism and positive health as predictors of the adjustment level of youth who started at university. The sample was formed by 77 students of both genders who entered their first semester of Psychology on the first academic term of 2005, on the day shift, at a private university. Their ages ranged between 17 and 26 years. The instruments used were the Vital Orientation Test – VOT, the Optimism Scale by Seligman, the Positive Mental Health Questionnaire, the General Satisfaction Scale and a registration form for academic information. These instruments were administered at two instances: the first one, at the students’ entrance; and the second, two years later. A multivariate statistical analysis was carried out in order to determine the predictive level of each one of the variables and their interactions in terms of the students’ adjustment. Results show that optimism determines not only permanence but also predicts cancellation and repetition of courses, both regarded as risk signals for desertion.



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