How to Cite
Alfonso Gutiérrez, L. S. ., & Prieto Patiño, L. E. . (2021). Adaptation of the Dragons of Inaction Psychological Barriers (DIPB) scale in a Colombian population. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 25(1), 183–202.
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The environmental damage that has been generated by human activity is a cause for concern, so pro-environmental behavior has been identified as one of the possible solutions. However, it has been seen that there are psychological barriers that prevent or hinder this behavior. For this reason, in order to have an instrument to evaluate these psychological barriers in our context, the objective of this research was to adapt the Dragons of Inaction Psychological Barriers (DIPB) scale to the Colombian population. The sample was made up of 810 university students from Bogotá and Chía, Colombia; 367 males and 443 females between 15 and 48 years of age (M = 19.67, SD = 2.414). In general, an exploratory factor analysis and a confirmatory factor analysis were carried out, which demonstrated the existence of a five-factor structure with 20 items. Item and reliability analyses were performed, which demonstrated that the instrument has a high internal consistency; and two invariance studies were carried out, which showed that the factor structure is invariant for all study groups. In addition, the total instrument was scored. In conclusion, this adaptation of the DIPB presents adequate validity and reliability, and allows guiding future research on inaction barriers in the Latin American context, while providing an input for a first diagnosis of this construct in Colombia.



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