How to Cite
Giraldo, J. J., & Benítez, E. O. (2011). The psychology of distributive justice : background and types of studies for its understanding. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 14(2), 91–101. Retrieved from

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Due to the increased study of justice as a social phenomenon of interest to psychology, a revision is carried out to specify the social psychology background in the study of individual material distributions in various situations and the constraints derived from such studies. In addition, the possibilities of inquiry into allocation decisions in at least three types of studies summarized in extensive reviews are presented, and finally, there is a reflection about an experimental “context” as a new perspective for the study of distributive justice. From this context, the term “distributive decisions” is described and, as a methodological alternative, the consideration of variables commonly used for the analysis of cognitive processes of interest for experimental and behavioral economics is proposed.



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