How to Cite
Restrepo L, X., & Villada Zapata, J. . (2021). Can belief- reading training influence pragmatic competence? A study on the relationships of these cognitive abilities in childhood. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(2), 80–94.

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In order to investigate the influence of belief-reading on pragmatic competence, 56 children between 48 and 54 months old, belonging to the program Buen Comienzo [Good Start] in the city of Medellín, participated in a pre-post experimental design with a control group. For the evaluation of belief-reading, four tests of the Wellman and Liu (2004) Scale were adapted to Spanish; while for the evaluation of pragmatic competence, four communicative situations proposed by Sacco et., al. (2008) were adapted. For the manipulation of the variable, 10 training sessions in belief-reading were carried out. According to the intragroup results, the training program was effective in improving the trained variable, as the experimental group improved its performance in belief reading (p=,007; d= -,663) and pragmatic competence (p=,007; d=,648). However, although significant differences were found between the experimental group and the control group for belief reading (p=,001; d=,472), this was not the case for performance in pragmatic competence (p=,340; d=,143). In light of these results, it is not possible to ensure a relationship of influence of belief reading on pragmatic competence. Nevertheless, a satisfactory linear regression model was found when sociodemographic variables were included in the analyzes. The need to integrate context variables when inquiring about a possible relationship of influence of one psychological variable on another is discussed.



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