How to Cite
Causadias, J. M., Zapata, J. S., Sánchez, E. Y., Britton, G. B., & Barb, G. A. (2010). Neuropsychology of crime : executive function and intelligence in a sample of homicide perpetrators in Panama. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 13(2), 47–56. Retrieved from

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Violence is the second most common cause of death in Panama; however, there is a surprising paucity of research addressing the dynamics of this social phenomenon, particularly from a neuropsychological perspective. Evidence suggests that intelligence and executive function (EF) are strongly associated with delinquency and criminal behavior (Moffitt, 1993; Morgan & Lilienfeld, 2000). In the present study, three groups of men convicted for criminal offenses such as intimate partner femicide (FPI; n=27), non-relational homicide (HNR; n=28) and non-violent offenses (DNV; n=29) were assessed. The following instruments were administered: verbal (WAIS-III) and non-verbal (TONI-2) intelligence tests, as well as various executive function tests (TMT, Stroop, and COWAT). The FPI group exhibited significant performance deficits in the Stroop test,, which suggests impairments in the speed of information processing in this group. Additionally, a profound deficit in verbal functioning across all groups emerged as the defining element in the cognitive profile of men serving sentences for criminal offenses. Verbal CI was significantly correlated with years of study, non-verbal CI, and most of the EF measures. These results provide preliminary evidence that supports the development of early intervention programs as a means to prevent violent behavior.



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