How to Cite
Ballén Molina, L. ., -Pineda-Marin, C., Sandoval-Escobar, M. ., & Padrón Mercado, C. M. . (2021). Meanings and practices of conspicuous consumption associated with the possession of creole or pedigree dogs. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 24(1), 141–153.

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This research aimed to identify social representations and conspicuous consumption practices in dog owners in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. The sample included 96 men and women over the age of 18. A mixed study was carried out including first, a qualitative phase in which the social representations of dogs’ owners - both creole and breed- were explored, as well as the meanings attributed to conspicuous consumption practices. Secondly, in the quantitative phase, descriptive analyses were carried out and thus the structure of social representations was confirmed. The results showed that the affective value of both the creole and breed dogs was acknowledged and that the creole dog is associated with conditions of vulnerability and regarded as an all-terrain dog, whereas breed dogs imply care and economic investment and are identified as “visible” dogs in society. It is discussed how social representations about dog ownership, in addition to the affective value, involve exhibition activities, social demonstration, and in turn, social and moral status.



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