How to Cite
Salazar Torres, I. C., Varela Arévalo, M. T., Tovar Cuevas, J. R., & Cáceres de Rodríguez, D. E. (2006). Construction and validation of a questionnaire of risk and protective factors for drug use in college youth. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 9(2), 19–30. Retrieved from
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This paper presents the construction and validation of the Risk and protective factors for drug use questionnaire in college youth. Content validity, construct validity and reliability were established. The sample consisted of 763 students between 15 and 25 years old, from a private university in Cali, Colombia. The questionnaire reliability was 0,906, and six psychosocial risk and protective factors were defined (emotional disturbance, satisfaction with interpersonal relations, beliefs and appraisal about drugs, spirituality, social permissiveness and access to drugs, social skills and self-control). The current questionnaire is a useful tool to assess drug use and the psychosocial factors associated to it in college youth. However, it will be administered in later studies in order to establish its predictive validity.



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