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Rodríguez Salazar, M. C., & Montoya, J. C. (2006). Training in the maintenance of attention in sportsmen and women, and their effectiveness of yield. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 9(1), 99–112. Retrieved from

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The goal of this research is to verify if training in the maintenance of attention with visual and auditive distractor stimuli improves the effectiveness of yield in college and leagues sportsmen and women from different sport disciplines from Boyacá department (Colombia). A pre-test post-test pre-experiment was carried out with two experimental groups and a control group. Attention processes were evaluated by means of Faces Test, the Toulouse-Piéron Test, and the Stroop Test. The results do not allow to explain the differences found in the attentional tests from different training programs, but explain the sport yield, which significantly improved in both experimental groups with respect to the group control.



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