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A questionnaire was constructed for the measurement of the change processes that are proposed by the Transtheoretical Model (TTM), applied to understanding of the consumption of alcohol in high school and university students from Bogota (Colombia). The instrument supplements others that had intended before as a part of the Questionnaire of Stages for the Modification of the Abuse (CEMA). The questionnaire was applied to 2473 subjects, most of which were high school students that participated in a program of primary prevention of the excessive consumption of alcohol. The results showed that the questionnaire has a good construction validity and a high reliability, although recommendations are suggested for its improvement toward future applications. A progression was observed in the use of cognitive-affective (experiencial) processes as the participants advance from early stages (non-contemplation, precontemplation, and contemplation), and of action processes as participants advance to preparation and action stages; this observation is coherent with the previous literature about the processes of change proposed by the TTM and its integration with the motivational stages of change in substance consumers. It is suggested that the processes of change represent copping strategies that are adjusted to the handling of psychosocial variables proposed by the cognitive-social models about the healthy behavior change, which play a differential role through the stages of change proposed by the TTM. This fact has implications of importance in the design and execution of the programs of primary and secondary prevention of the excessive consumption of alcohol.
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