How to Cite
Camacho Acero, I. (2005). Consumo de alcohol en universitarios : relación funcional con los factores sociodemográficos, las expectativas y la ansiedad social. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (13), 91–119. Retrieved from

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The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the functional relationship between socio-demographic factors, social anxiety and positive attitudes towards alcohol, with the consumption of alcoholic beverages among engineering students in two private universities in Bogotá. A non-analytical, observational, descriptive, co relational study was used. The sample consisted of 618 students selected at randomly using a sampling system stratified by the type of engineering studied. They filled in an Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire (AEQ), the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory (SPAI), and surveys of socio-demographic data and details of their alcohol consumption. After a linear transformation by percentage points of the AEQ and the Chi2 tests, the correlation coefficient of the Spearman and Kruskal Wallis correlatives, as well as an estimate of the parameters with confidence intervals of 95%, it was found that engineering students, mainly male (82.7%; p<0.01), with an average age of 20.5 (± 2.57), and a consumption frequency between moderate (37.1%) and high (36.4%), with more than a third reporting an abusive level of alcohol consumption (more than 12 drinks on one single occasion), presented a low level of social anxiety (55.8±32.9 of a possible 192) and a medium level of positive expectations towards alcohol (43.5±22.2). While the most deeprooted expectations towards alcohol consumption were the facilitation of interaction, good verbal expression, the loss of inhibitions and psycho-physiological changes, the more minor ones were the expectation that alcohol increases sexuality, aggression and feelings of power. No link was found between consumption and the age group, the university, the type of engineering or the semester in which the student was in. It was concluded that among engineering students, the frequency and the amount of alcohol consumed significantly differs between men and women (higher frequency and consumed amount in men) and changes in relation to the level of positive expectations of alcohol and the level of social anxiety (this when related to consumed amount and not frequency of consumption).



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