How to Cite
García-Rubiano, M., Toro-Tobar, R. A., Sarmiento López, J. C. ., Aguilar-Bustamante, M. C., & Pasmay Ramos, S. G. (2023). How to Understand Organizational Justice in Times of Pandemic? Relationship with the Disposition to Organizational Change. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 26(1), 151–165.
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The objective of the research was to analyze the predictive capacity of the perception of distributive justice and interaction
justice in the willingness to organizational change in workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study was based on a predictive
cross-sectional design, and the sample consisted of 342 workers from different Colombian organizations. The organizational
justice (adapted to the Colombian population) and organizational change instruments were used. The results showed the
existence of the prediction of organizational change due to the perception of organizational justice. In this way, organizations
benefit in their change processes when they explain and give certainty to their members about the new adjustments, effects
and decision making, ensuring that they become agents that welcome the reasonable and rational changes that the institution
seeks. The changing context of the pandemic is a condition that limits the prediction of procedural organizational justice and
organizational change at the total individual level.



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