How to Cite
Díaz Gamarra, P. del P., Rosario Quiroz, F. J., & Estrada Alomía, E. R. . (2024). Psychometric Evidence of the Psychological Well-Being Scale (BIEPS-A) in a Sample of Peruvian Older Adults. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 27(1), 95–114.
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Psychological well-being is an important protective factor for mental health, particularly in vulnerable populations such as the elderly. Therefore, it is necessary to have valid, reliable, and invariant measurement instruments for their proper use for psychological assessment and intervention purposes. This study aimed to analyze the evidence of validity, reliability, and factor invariance of the Psychological Well-Being Scale (BIEPS-A) in a sample of older Peruvian adults. Participants were 522 older adults, from 60 to 93 years old (M = 70.81, SD = 7.62), who answered the BIEPS-A Scale. Adequate fit indices were found for a model of three correlated factors: x2 /gl = 1.631, CFI = .988, TLI = .984, SRMR = .0470, and RMSEA = .0350. A relationship was also found between the scores of the BIESP-A and the WHO-5 (r = .504, r2 = .254), which is evidence of convergent validity. Likewise, evidence of reliability of the scores with the alpha (α) and omega (ω) coefficients (> .80) was found. Finally, partial evidence of factor invariance based on gender was found (∆CFI < .010, ∆RMSEA < .015). It was concluded that the BIEPS-A scale gathers evidence of validity, reliability and partial invariance with respect to sex for its correct use in older Peruvian adults.



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