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The objective of the work was to know the trajectory of academic engagement in secondary students from Entre Ríos, Argentina, in three stages of their school journey. The design was quantitative, being a longitudinal study. The sampling used was intentional non-probabilistic. The sample was made up of school adolescents from Entre Ríos. It consisted of 105 subjects for the first time, 101 for the second and 97 for the third. The ages ranged from 13 to 15 years. Regarding the instrument, the Argentine adaptation of the Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale in its version for students was used. Analysis of basic descriptive statistics and Analysis of Latent Growth Curve Models were performed; The results show low levels of student engagement to their school activities. In addition, in relation to the trajectory of engagement over time, the findings indicate that the commitment remained constant over time in the vigor dimension and decreased in the dedication and absorption components towards the third evaluation period.
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