How to Cite
Abal, F. J. P., Sanchez Gonzalez, J. F., & Attorresi, H. F. (2024). Big Five Inventory abbreviated from the Item Response Theory. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 27(2), 57–74.
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Although numerous abbreviated versions of the Big Five Inventory (BFI) have been developed, the psychometric properties obtained worldwide present unavoidable inconsistencies. This paper proposes to reduce this inventory using Item Response Theory as methodological support. Participants were 987 adults (55.3% women; Mean age = 38; SD age = 13.9) residing in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires, Argentina. Items were reduced progressively considering the application of the Graduated Response Model (assumptions of unidimensionality of each scale separately, local independence of the items, and fit to the model). A version of 20 free elements of differential functioning according to gender was obtained. Correlations between the original and reduced scales were greater than .73. The structure of the five-factor model was replicated with a confirmatory factor analysis and validity evidence was provided based on the relationship with tests that measure symptomatology and facets of neuroticism. The global internal consistency indices showed acceptable values, but the information functions revealed that the scales decreased in accuracy at high trait levels.



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