How to Cite
Meneses Báez, A. L. (2000). Factores que deben ser tenidos en cuenta en el proceso de adquisición de la lectura alfabética. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, (3), 23–33. Retrieved from

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This paper reviews reading and literacy research literature related with reading ac­quisition published recently (Adams, 1990, 1998; Clay, 1996; Cunningham and Allington,1994; Delpit 1995; Ehri, 1991; Stanovich, 1996,1981, Vellutino, 1991, 1996) and stresses how research findings could be introduced in daily practices of preschool and first grade classrooms to prevent reading failure for all children, even for those called at risk (e.g., low income,ethnically or culturally different). The con­clusion is that reading acquisition is mediated by multiple factors (cognitive,instruc­tional and socioemotional) and in order for a child to become a fluent reader all these factors should work well together.





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