How to Cite
Cancino, N., González, C., Gallardo, I., & Estrada, C. (2016). Evaluation of a conceptual quality of life model built from data. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 19(1), 297–309.

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Quality of Life (QL) is a concept used by different disciplines. However, there is a variety of definitions of QL, which might lead to theoretical and applied problems. The present work argues that a way to attend to this problem is by assessing a model of quality of life that arises from the simultaneous application of instruments traditionally associated with this construct. To evaluate this idea, several factor analyses were conducted in order to identify a common factor and specific dimensions in case it was needed. The first study (n=550) measured objective and subjective aspects related to QL. The resulting data generated a model with six first order factors and one second order dimension with appropriate indicators of reliability and validity. This model is based on variables related to the subjective aspects of QL. A second study (n=304) indicated that the aforementioned structure shows good psychometric indicators, even in comparison with other models that include complementary dimensions. Results are discussed in terms of their contribution to research in quality of life, the conceptual definition of the construct and its effect on social intervention.



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