How to Cite
Galicia Moyeda, I. X., Robles Ojeda, F. J., & Sánchez Velasco, A. (2015). Effects of phonological activities on vocabulary, psycholinguistic abilities and reading processes in first grade children. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 18(2), 29–40.

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Literacy acquisition involves different processes that can be stimulated in everyday contexts like home and that can also be favored by schooling. Work was carried out with a group of first grade children at a school setting during six months, through activities favoring phonological processing, with the aim of observing their impact on the phonological awareness, psycholinguistic abilities, and vocabulary and reading skills in these children. Generally, results of the Student’s-t test reveal that such activities encourage phonological awareness, vocabulary and some psycholinguistic abilities. A distinction was subsequently drawn between children who had acquired literacy towards the end of the school year and those who had not done so. Results from Mann-Whitney’s U and Spearman’s rho suggest that, unlike vocabulary and psycholinguistic abilities, the level of phonological awareness with which children start their reading instruction could have been an important element in such an achievement. It is also revealed that, in performing tasks involving the auditory channel, the performance of children who do not read is lower than in tasks involving the visual channel.



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