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Benitez Molina, A., & Caballero Badillo, M. C. (2017). Psychometric study of the depression, anxiety and family dysfunction scales in students at Universidad Industrial de Santander. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 20(1), 221–231.

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The aim of this research is to study the psychometric properties of Zung´s and Apgar’s Questionnaires for Depression and Anxiety, applied by the División de Bienestar Universitario de la UIS (DBU, for its Spanish acronym), a division in charge of students’ welfare at UIS. The questionnaires were applied as part of a comprehensive assessment of admitted students, oriented to an early diagnosis of risk factors that may influence their academic performance. The sample consisted of a group of 3614 students admitted to the 2013 and 2014 cohorts, ages between 15 and 56 years. The psychometric properties of the instruments were verified and the results were compared by gender and age. Confidential levels of 0,85, 0,842 and 0,875 were observed for anxiety, depression and Family Apgar Scales, respectively. Only the item 6 of the depression test was eliminated since it did not show an adequate discrimination level. Spearman lineal correlation between anxiety and depression was r = 0,76 and, r = 0,526 between Family Apgar and depression. Those values indicate adequate convergent and divergent validity. Once psychometric validity was verified, results were used to establish a comparison with clinical diagnoses obtained from general and specialized psychiatric consultation carried out by DBU. Sensitivity levels of 70% for anxiety and depression and 67% for Family Apgar tests were found. Finally, higher anxiety and depression were found in the women’s group compared to the men’s, and a similar level of family dysfunction in both groups. No significant differences were observed between students’ age groups.



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