How to Cite
Volpato Broering, C. ., Duarte De Souza, C., Kaszubowski, E., & Aparecida Crepaldi, M. (2017). Effects of pre-surgical psychological preparations on stress and anxiety in boys and girls. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 21(1), 217–227.

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Child preparation for surgery is a focus of attention of health teams due to the traumatic potential of surgical procedures and for being a source of stress and anxiety in childhood. The impact of three pre-surgical psychological preparations on stress and anxiety of children undergoing elective surgery were evaluated. The sample consisted of 80 children from a children's hospital, divided into two blocks of 40 subjects according to gender and randomly assigned to one of four groups: control, preparation by verbal information, preparation by game and preparation kit or preparation by informational video. Stress and anxiety were measured using the Escala de Stress Infantil (ESI) (Child Stress Scale) and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Children (STAIC). The intervention was implemented in three distinct stages: a) application of ESI and STAIC before preparation, the day before surgery; b) actual preparation, in groups submitted to different preparation programs, also on the previous day; and c) reapplication of ESI and STAIC on the day of surgery. Data were analyzed using simultaneous regression equations, and estimates are presented in terms of standardized mean difference and standard error. Results allow to infer that preparation by video reduced stress (Tvideo1 = -0.38±0.18) and anxiety (Tvideo2 = -0.54±0.27), especially among boys (TvideoM1 = -0.66±0.25; TvideoM2 = -0.71±0.38). Practical implications for the psychological preparation of children in pre-surgical situations and the limitations of this study are discussed. 



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