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Pérez Manrique, T., & Ravelo C., E. L. (2017). Equivalence relations as an analysis criterion of scientific relevance of analytical categories. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 20(2), 253–261.

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The aim of this paper is to propose equivalence relations as a structural criterion or analytical order, through which the functions of knowledge required in a scientific activity are delimited. It begins by considering knowledge as a phenomenon studied by psychology, whose explanation requires giving an account of the way in which such behavioral or knowledge functions are established, organized and updated. It is considered that the procedures of matching to-sample allow understanding the way of abstracting the analytical categories that scientifically structure the knowledge of reality. When using these procedures, new relationships are derived that without the need for direct training, cannot be explained based on principles of stimulus generalization, but rather as equivalent relations differentiated through previous training. They get a closure in an analytical category, once the categorical criteria are abstracted or if desired, when these relationships are nominated. And when categorized or nominated, they transcend the situation, since nominating is understood as an adjustment to conventional criteria. Once situational interactions are nominated, they regulate all social practices, including practices of scientific knowledge.



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