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Padilla Vargas, M. A. (2014). Analysis of the types of interaction among researchers during the presentation of academic works. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 17(1), 35–44.

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Although it is considered that scientific development and intellectual progress occur through the exchange of ideas brought about by the interaction among scientists, the type of interactions that take place among researchers when one of them presents their work to colleagues has not been studied systematically. Given the above, a preliminary study whose objective was to analyze the interactions among researchers from the same university working on different areas was conducted to identify the number of comments made, the academic status of the one making the comment, the particular aspect about which the comment was made and the outcome (agreement or disagreement). Eight tenured professors, five associate professors, 16 graduate students, and four undergraduate scholarship holders took part in the discussions. The interactions that occurred during 13 work presentations were recorded, transcribed and analyzed. Results showed that: a) the lower the academic status of the presenter, the greater the number of comments made about their work; b) those with a higher academic status intervened more; c) both theoretical and methodological comments occurred, but the former occurred slightly more often than the latter; and d) a greater difference in status between the presenter and the one making the comment resulted in more agreements. The way the status mediates the interactions among research groups and the dominance relations in scientific practice are discussed.



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