How to Cite
Porto Noronha, A. P., Angeli Dos Santos, A. A., & Marín Rueda, F. J. (2013). Visual motor ability and intellectual disabilities : validity study of the Bender-SPG. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(2), 115–123.

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This study aimed to establish evidence of convergent validity through the analysis of the association between the Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test -Gradual Scoring System (B-SPG, for its Spanish acronym), the Human Figure Drawing Test – Sisto´s Scale (DFH for its Spanish acronym) and the Colorful Raven´s Progressive Matrices (CPM).The participants in the study were 397 individuals, aged between 6 and 24 years old, who showed intellectual impairment. Data were gathered on an individual basis at the school these people attended. Results indicated a moderate magnitude correlation between the tests, thus confirming validity evidence for B-SPG. Moreover, when comparing the results with the scales of the three tests it was verified that the performance of the participants in this research was well below expectations, since the scores obtained were similar to or lower than those of children six years old of the scales contained in the testing manuals.



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