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Contreras, F., Esguerra, G. A., Espinosa, J. C., & Gómez, V. (2015). Coping styles and quality of life in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in treatment with haemodialysis. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 10(2), 169–179. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this study was to observe if the coping styles of 41 patients with chronic kidney disease were related to their quality of life. The SF-36 and CAE questionnaires were the instruments used. Significant decline in quality of life was evidenced in these patients. Nevertheless, their social functioning was preserved. Results showed that the coping style focused on problem solving was positively correlated with mental health whereas the negative self-focused coping style was inversely related to most dimensions of quality of life that were evaluated. Different results were found about avoidance and religiosity as coping styles. The implications of these results are discussed.



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