How to Cite
Valdés Cuervo, Ángel A., Sánchez Escobedo, P. A., & Yáñez Quijada, A. I. (2013). Psychological profiles of mexican gifted students. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 16(1), 25–33. Retrieved from

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The study was aimed to determine whether achievement motivation and social self-concept allowed identifying clusters of intellectually outstanding high school students. A classification design with a quantitative methodology was applied whereby, by simple random sampling, 133 outstanding students were selected. Two clusters of students were identified: the first, known as ‘Highly achievement oriented’, and the second as ‘Lowly achievement oriented”, respectively. Students of the first cluster were characterized by a greater motivation toward academic achievement, lower social self-concept and higher academic average. It was concluded that in motivational and emotional aspects outstanding students show significant differences which suggests being careful with generalizations made without empirical support. The study also showed the importance of identifying individual differences as part of the counseling and tutoring strategies with these students.



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