How to Cite
Remor, E., & Amorós Gómez, M. (2012). Effect of an intervention program aimed at empowering strengths and psychological resources on mood, optimism, subjective health complaints and life satisfaction in university students. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(2), 75–85. Retrieved from

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This paper describes the application of an Intervention Program aimed at enhancing personal strengths and psychological resources in a sample of college students. The variables assessed to detect the changes produced by the program were: life satisfaction, perceived stress, dispositional optimism, somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, depression, self-esteem and subjective health complaints. Also, indicators for the implementation of the intervention program and measures of satisfaction with the program were assessed. A quasi-experimental methodology was employed, using a pre-post non-experimental design with only one intervention group (n= 25). The program was delivered and implemented correctly. According to the participants’ subjective evaluation the program was very satisfactory. Results showed that the intervention program produced an improvement in the participants’ perceived mood after most of the program sessions. Likewise, the intervention produced an increase on the variables life satisfaction and dispositional optimism and a decrease on pseudo-neurological symptoms and subjective health complaints. No significant effects were found for the other variables. In summary, the information obtained from this study supports the continued implementation of the program in other samples and settings.



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