How to Cite
Murillo Muñoz, J., & Molero Alonso, F. (2012). Life satisfaction : its relationship with prejudice, national identity, self-esteem and material well-being in immigrants. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 15(2), 99–108. Retrieved from

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The aim of this research was to study the relationship between life satisfaction and various psychosocial variables usually linked to international migration processes. Specifically, this study explored the relationship between life satisfaction–a cognitivedimension of subjective well-being- and perceived group prejudice, perceived personal discrimination, global personal self-esteem, national identity and perceived material well- being. The research, of empirical quantitative type, was conducted with a non-probabilistic sample of Colombian migrants at several cities of Ecuador. As expected, the hypothesis that life satisfaction was positively related to self -esteem and perceived material well-being was confirmed. Also, a negative correlation was confirmed between life satisfaction, perceived personal discrimination and national identity. Results show that the variables self-esteem, perceived material well-being, perceived personal discrimination and national identity are significant predictors of life satisfaction. Findings didn´t confirm the expected negative association between life satisfaction and perceived group prejudice. Results are analyzed from a psychosocial perspective.



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