How to Cite
Contreras, F., Barbosa, D., Juárez A., F., Uribe, A. F., & Mejía, C. (2009). Leadership styles, organizational climate and psychosocial risks in the health sector agencies : a comparative study. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 12(2), 13–26. Retrieved from

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The purpose of this study was to describe the organizational climate, psychosocial risk factors and leadership styles perceived by a group of 400 workers of the health sector in four Colombian cities and to observe whether there are significant differences between them. In order to achieve this objective, the instruments entitled ECO, CFP and PAT were administered. According to the results, the participants showed psychosocial risks factors of diverse nature and the most relevant ones were those related to interpersonal relationships. Although the organizational climate found was not optimal, it was not adverse either. The two resulting leadership styles were evidenced only in Bogota. Significant differences were found in most variables studied which could be attributed to cultural aspects. These findings are discussed.



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