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Guevara Benítez, Y., Hermosillo García, Ángela, López Hernández, A., Delgado Sánchez, U., García Vargas, G. R., & Rugerio Tapia, J. P. (2008). Mathematical skills in students from a low social and cultural stratum. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(2), 13–24. Retrieved from

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In this paper, the quality of primary education in Mexico is dealt with A longitudinal study was carried out with the aim of analyzing the process of development for various mathematical skills with first grade students; 169 students from a low social and cultural stratum participated. An instrument referred to criteria and based on task analysis was used to analyze the errors and the correct responses throughout the 2004-2005 school year Results show that students had enrolled with previous academic deficiencies and developed some skills; however, the levels of mathematical skills were still low at the end of the school term. The implications of these results are discussed and some alternatives for education based on a behavioural model of psychological development are proposed.



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