How to Cite
Rodríguez Pérez, M. E., Castellanos Meza, F. A. ., & Díaz Gámez, L. L. (2008). Analysis of didactic discourse using a second-order matching to sample task. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(1), 65–74. Retrieved from

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Learning to teach seems to be a product of direct experiential learning. Therefore, in this study, a second order matchingto sample task was used to evaluate the didactic discourse that a person can elaborate from his own learning. The research design involved two different phases, learning and teaching. During the learning phase, the participants were trained in the matching task with a procedure that gradually increased its complexity. During the teaching phase, each trained participant had to teach another two participants on how to perform effectively in similar tasks. Results were analyzed in terms of the trained participants’ performance on the task, transference of learning, processes involved in the elaboration of didactic discourse, and the effects of teaching on he apprentices. Data suggest that all participants learned the matching task, either by direct training or by being exposed to didactic discourse. However, differences on performance during transfer tests were found among participants due to the different ways of verbalizing task criteria and effective performance involved in didactic discourse.



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