How to Cite
Rey A., C. A. (2008). Pro-social skills, gender personality traits and acceptance of violence toward women in adolescents who have witnessed violence in their parents. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(1), 107–118. Retrieved from

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The aim of this research project was to assess interpersonal communication skills, affective communication with the partner, empathy, chauvinist and submissive personality traits, and acceptance of violence toward women in a group of 106 adolescents (55 males and 51 females) between the ages of 14 and 18, who had witnessed violence of their father toward their mother, as compared to another group of 105 adolescents (46 males and 59 females) with similar socio-demographic characteristics, who had not witnessed this type of violence. It was found that the adolescents who had witnessed violence showed more personality traits regarded as chauvinist and submissive than their respective male and female counterparts. In addition, the adolescents of the fi rst group showed more agreement with one of the fourteen statements that were used to assess acceptance of violence toward women. In particular, the female adolescents in this group showed more agreement with two of those statements than their female counterparts in the second group.



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