How to Cite
Uribe Rodríguez, A. F., Valderrama, L., Durán Vallejo, D. M., Galeano Monroy, C., Gamboa, K., & López, S. (2008). Developmental differences in attitudes toward death between young and older adults. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 11(1), 119–126. Retrieved from

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Throughout the years the concept of death has been redefined and it currently generates attitudes of fear and anxiety, where death is regarded as a topic that few want to discuss and that many evade. The aim of the present article was to assess the developmental changes in attitude toward death in a sample of 343 persons, composed by young adults and older adults. The variables age and gender were taken into account. The Revised Profile of Attitudes toward Death, which measures five dimensions: fear of death, avoidance of death, neutral acceptance, acceptance of escape, and acceptance of approach was administered to the participants. Results showed significant differences as a function of age, and in relation to gender, significant differences were found between men and women in the group of older adults.



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