How to Cite
Uribe, A. F., Orcasita, L. T., & Vergara Vélez, T. (2010). Risk factors in the infection by HIV/AIDS in colombian adolescents and young people. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 13(1), 11–24. Retrieved from

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Although the number of people infected by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has stabilized during the past year, the adolescent population continues to be the focus of attention due to its vulnerability and the frequency of risk behaviors that occur in sexual and reproductive health. There is evidence that this too is happening in Colombia and therefore it is necessary to understand the present situation of adolescents in this area and focus on the characteristics of this population in order to reduce the risk of infection by HIV/AIDS. The purpose of this study was to establish the level of knowledge, attitudes, susceptibility and self-efficiency among adolescents and young people between the ages of 10 and 23 in state schools of different Colombian cities. A sample of 987 high-school adolescents between 6th and 11th grades was assessed. The study was non-experimental, descriptive, and cross sectional. The VIH/Sida-65 and Self-Efficiency (SEA-27) scales were administered. Among the adolescents interviewed, more that 50% had received information about the transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS. However, the knowledge acquired was not reflected in their sexual practices, and there were still misconceptions on the subject. It was also found that the levels of knowledge, attitudes, susceptibility and selfefficiency related in HIV/AIDS diminished as the age of those interviewed increased. It is necessary to carry out interventions aimed at changes in behavior, specifically addressed to the adolescents according to their age, gender, academic level and socio-economic status.



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