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Martínez, Álvaro E., & Castañeda Z., D. I. (2006). Current status of research in Colombia organizational and work psychology. Acta Colombiana De Psicología, 9(1), 77–85. Retrieved from

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From the organizational and work psychology (OWP) concept, a description of topics and problems of the fi eld at the global level and the role of research is done. Next, the current state of OWP research in Colombia is presented and its limits and future possibilities. Based on COLCIENCIAS information system, characteristics and communalities of the eight OWP reported groups are analyzed. At this moment there are two categorized groups, three recognized groups and three registered groups. Then, agenda and reflections of the three meetings of the OWP Colombian Researchers Net are presented. It is concluded that there are important achievements, especially in the last two years. At the same time, there is concern about the low number of researchers with PhD and Master Degrees and the poor relation between research groups and organizations to run research projects of national interest.



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